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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paleo=Blood work to make your Dr proud

my new necklace from melissa
So here we go again on the take my blood and pray for good results roller coaster.  I had my appt today to go over my bloodwork and I had them check everything besides my thyroid.  My doc was thrilled to see that my results have dramatically changed and all of my levels were right were they should be.  I even got a high five YES!  I worry now that I'm 30 because my mother had a heart attack very young and I have all of her health issues but we were able to find them earlier.  Including thyroid, and HBP I'm just waiting now to get the hypoglycemia.  The entire family suffers from high blood pressure on both sides so my bro and I were screwed either way.  I had high bp as a kid and only got worse as an adult.  At one point I was 220/160 and I was a size 7.  Since that point I've been medicated and was told I would never not be on high blood pressure meds.  I'm actually on 1 and 1/2 since I started running last year it started dropping so we had to cut back.  Lately its dropping again so I might just be down to 1 pill.  Anyway... I told my Dr about eating paleo and he was intrigued I explained to him how I've been eating more red meat and whole eggs than I've eaten in my whole life.  That was actually making me a lil uneasy, and even my boyfriend was getting concerned, and this was my reason for all the bloodwork.  But... all my sugars, cholesterol, and vitamins were great... imagine that all from eating non processed foods and more fat than ever!   We grew up with chicken and turkey everything since my moms heart attack.  No wonder she cant cook.  My dr said keep it up ...whatever your doing is working well for you.  YES!!! So now I plan on turning into a carnivore lol.  Somehow i ended up with another prescription.  I'm trying out singular, since my allergies have been the worst and I weeze and cough alot after a tough WOD.
I went to crossfit, saw Dr nelson and found out my legs and butt were a lil beat up from the race on Sunday.  So I thought I would take it easy with todays WOD.  We did a lift that Ive never done before and I loved it.  Barbell lunges!  I hope we do them more... I would like to be more stable but i did like them.  

5/2/13 WOD
-barbell lunges
-Elizabeth- 21-15-9 sets of
--squat cleans @75lbs
--ring dips

CROSSFIT ASPIRE.. before sweat
finished in 8:57

On to my game tonight... we were playing the only team this year that puts up a good fight, and boy do they want to beat us.  Its soo bad they get all hostile with us... really... you don't win anything or lose anything its all fun.. but its more fun to be on the team who wins 21-12 hahaha lol.  That was rotten I know but as nasty as they are it makes the win that much sweeter.  I had some good hits tonight some plays in the field (couldve been better but not awful) and my first HOMERUN of the season.  I almost hit one in the 3rd inning but then to hit one with 2 girls on base in the last inning was sweet.  The best part was how my girls came off the bench and went nuts at the plate with me.  I love my blue girls.  Now here I sit finishing up a beer bed lol.  I'm going to get in another wonderful practice tomorrow after work with my coed team.... they're crazy fun.  Its a big prom day in the shop tomorrow too its gonna be a great day!

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