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Monday, March 4, 2013


Okay so I finally got some sleep and it was GOOD!  Not a lot to write about tonight just wanted to post my WOD.  I went to the noon class and it was great.  I'm not the best at Power Snatches but I'm getting better form after watching some videos online.  I lifted heavy actually heavier than I thought with my back bothering me.  Speaking of my back... my friend Leah showed me how to use a lacrosse ball and lean against it on a wall to massage it.  That was just what I needed since I was soo tight from softball.  Foam rolling is awesome but I needed one specific area.

WOD (workout of the day)
Power Snatch - 3 on the min for 8 min @ 75lbs
5 rounds of - 7 Power Snatches(75% of strength) @ 55lbs
and 10 bar hop burpees

75 lbs is where my form was best so I stuck with that.  I did a bunch of reps at 85lbs and 90 and only  could get 95x2.  So after that I kind of exhausted myself and my form went to shit.  I was ok at 75lbs I guess... I was just afraid to make my back worse since I actually cried real tears last night from the pain lol.  Its getting old I'm getting sick of it, I want to be able to be a beastette.

I went to work straight from crossfit, which by the way is soo much easier, so I had a lil extra time.  I was interested in this new protein powder they have at GNC so I stopped in.  A couple weeks ago there was this awesome woman in the salon who was an area rep for the company telling us about all the new goodies they're getting at GNC.  I couldve talked to her for hours, she told me about this new protein that sounds perfect for me its called Tripact by Nutrology.  I got the chocolate one and I'm actually very excited about this stuff.  The woman who informed me about it said its new and theres nothing like it... it seems like the miracle drink.  I drink a lot of protein shakes and many different kinds. Always on the go means quick and easy meals even if all I do is shake it up and drink it.  This is going to be fun with the vitamix!

Heres a video from a few months ago... its available in more stores now.  Ill let you all know how it is ASAP.  I almost made a shake after dinner tonight but I was too lazy lol. Oh and by the way... my dinner from last night came out AWESOME! Rob even ate leftovers omg!

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