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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

WOD happiness

Hey everyone!  I don't have much to write about other than my last two days of WODs.  I woke up Monday not feeling spectacluar... i was up all night with my heart pounding ughhh!  My thyroid meds give me some anxiety here and there but it hasn't happened like this in almost a year.  Soo annoying!!!  Its funny how I can feel when my counts are off... I started a new med this month that I'm sure interfered with my hormones soo I'm sure that's what it is.  Anyway I decided although I felt off that maybe it would be best to go and get a good WOD in, ya know take my mind off it.  That's exactly what happened!  Thank god I felt soo much better after getting in a good sweaty workout,  and the good kind of heart racing lol.  This was a different kind of WOD and I really liked it.  Just a series of moves and you had to complete all 4 to count.  The metcon was good too, using a % of what you got for your strength, you had to get the bar from the ground to overhead any way you liked for sets of 15-10-5 also with chest to bar pull-ups.  I ended up with 85lbs so I tried doing a few snatches since they would be quicker but I would've wore myself out fast.  So power cleans and push presses it was.

3/18/13 WOD
-power clean-front squat-clean-jerk @135lbs
-15-10-5 sets for time
--ground to overhead
--chest to bar pull-ups
finished in 7:20

Soo I decided since I actually got a great night of sleep I would get up and WOD in the am(not too early of course).  I saw that it was a back squat day but only 3 reps.  That sounded good to me since I've only done 3 sets of 6 for months.  My bud Alex told me I better PR today since last week I did 200lbs at 3x6.  So I started heavy and got right up to 205 and I couldn't believe it!  I then added more til I got to 235 and I couldn't believe it... me? 235? I dont know when it happened but I got strong lol!  The metcon spanked me tho ughhh... it was a tough one and I was dying!  For some sick reason though I do love those long metcons!  It was very hard looking and it did not disappoint.  There was man makers in it... ugh that's the only time I ever almost threwup from working out, I mean had to stop and run to the bathroom gagging eww, so I was not excited to do them again!  Anyway with all the rowing I took my time and paced myself and did burpees in front of my friend doing the recumbent bike so I she would fan me lol.  This was a tough one but I didn't scale any of it.

3/19/13 WOD
-back squat x3
3 Rounds for time
--500 meter row
--25 burpees
--20 air squats
--15 push ups
--10 evil wheels
--man makers
finished in 26:52

My back squat was highest on the all time leaderboard which Alex showed me after our class... I still cant believe it!  He also wrote BOOM TOWN!! BITCHES under my score!  The best part was the shout out from the Crossfit Aspire Facebook page,  I was soo surprised!  I dont know who wrote it but they made me feel like a friggin rockstar.  Embarrassed(good kind), excited and flattered is how I should describe it... I just couldn't believe it was a post about me. I think I actually pranced around work all day... they've got to be soo sick of hearing about crossfit!

On a quick note... I'm cooking tonight because I actually bought more food to do some paleo planning.  I got some food going on that I can pack for a few days.  My reason being (even though I drank my face off this weekend and made 1 days worth of poor food choices) I lost 6lbs since Thurs!  SO I WILL KEEP THIS UP YAY!  I like quick results... who doesn't?  Even if I have one cheat day a week I can totally do this.... its really all about prepping your meals (thanks Alycia).

BTW sooo excited to see what 13.3 is!!!!

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