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Friday, March 22, 2013

WOD exhaustion

Sooo I'm starting this one off with my WOD yesterday. I wasn't thrilled with my form with a snatch so I'm going to man up to it on here lol. So our move yesterday was a snatch and it's not my strongest move, I have a hard time with the squat and whip. As always I started with an empty barbell for the form and I got knocked right on my ass when I bowed the barbell out and behind my head. I also smashed it into my shin while landing ass first on the ground. That hurt REALLY bad I swear I saw stars for a min. I was swelling and bleeding under my pants so I took it easy and did a power snatch and eventually eased into more of a squat but I really needed to work on form. It's truly my weakest move and I get disappointed with myself. Anyway I busted my ass in the metcon and did power snatches relentlessly til I was first one done... Forgetting about 13.3 for today. I swear I get going and I can't take it easy. Soo my bud Melissa broke her ankle the night before and since I'm home on thurs I offered to hang out and take her to her drs appt. It was nice hanging with her and going to lunch at elevation burger(soo yummy). I admire her soo much because anyone else would've had me take them home to rest and take it easy, but she asked me to take her to crossfit. That's dedication... she met up with another awesome friend (also in a boot) to work on upper body lifting! Soo impressed, most people would sulk and feel sorry for themselves but not these girls!

3/21/13 WOD
-snatch @75lbs
sets of 21,15,9
-power snatches @65lbs
-pull ups
finished in 7:27

Today I got up early made my lunch breakfast and felt great all morning.  It was 30 degrees but looked like 60. I had my bag packed to do the 13.3 WOD which I wasn't all that excited or nervous for... that is until we got our pre workout pep talk about strategy. All of a sudden I was almost sick. My goal was to just get through all of the wallballs and to get at least a couple double unders. I just started to get double unders only a few weeks ago so I was hopeful to get a few. I hate wallballs to begin with and since its my least fav thing to do I'm not surprised I had to do 150 of them(wtf). My feet cramped and my lungs burned so I kept stopping... I kicked off my shoes which helped. After I finished my wallballs I didn't have alot of time left for double unders but NOTE TO SELF... u can't jump rope without shoes on lol. At least I got a couple which was my goal! I had a great judge who pushed me hard and I need that. But my throat still burns and its hours later... My whole body ached and cramped in the car ride home lol all that from friggin wallballs lol! It's ok pino noir made me feel much better! I'm looking forward to a day off from any kind of physical activity. I'm soo tired (lazy lol).

3/22/13 WOD 152 reps


  1. Thank you - for being amazing and taking care of me!! I seriously LOVE you for it!! You ROCKED 13.3 buddy!! My 1 Wallball is all I had left haha :)

  2. thanks melissa I wish u were doing it youll be better in no time!
