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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

WOD Lovin'

Ok waking up Monday was tough... I needed my beloved coffee to even see straight.  I needed to go and WOD it up since I had a lazy booze bar food weekend.  We did back squats and a Fran like metcon.

3/11/13 WOD
-Back Squat 3 sets of 6 @ 200lbs
- 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of
--front squats @ 65lbs
--pull ups w/gray band

I'm starting to realize my strength, my buds always tell me that I'm strong, but now I guess they were being honest not just really nice lol.  But they still are really nice lol.  I REALLY need to start losing weight but the whole paleo thing is just too much work and my body didn't really like it.  Mainly for my pull-ups and other body weight exercises.  I used to look in the mirror and hate myself in every outfit, now my motivation for losing weight is to be a better athlete lol.  WHEN THE EFF DID THAT HAPPEN! LOL!  Its weird.. I start my day eating like a saint.  Some kind of veggie smoothie with protein, tons of water, if I get to it ill pack a decent lunch.  Then I wont eat all day at work and it will all go to hell when I get home and my Rob will want to eat from some kind of shitty take out or pizza delivery place.  My problem is I'm always on the go... rush, rush, rush.  Half the time I cant even get to the store to pick up food to make let alone the fact that I hate cooking.  So I'm always eating processed quick foods with low calories which doesn't seem to be working anymore.  I need to change, but its got to be easy or I wont last a week.

Soo today I woke up ready to go... my legs were a lil tight as expected but good.  I decided since the strength in the WOD was power cleans, 30 to be exact, I was good to go.  My cleans suck but my power cleans are better.  Im working on them, its that whipping movement I'm not getting as easy as the other moves, same with the snatch.  I know I'm just not whipping it from the right spot but when the time comes I just pick it up lol.

3/12/13 WOD
-Power Clean 3 on the min for ten min @ 115lbs
-sets of 10,9,8,,,3,2,1
--wallball @14lbs
--kettlebell @45lbs
--box jumps 24in

It was good to go and stretch my legs out.  I feel like it helps me not get terribly sore after a big lift day as long as I'm not doing some other kind of lower body lift.  Somehow for the metcon I had a decent time, I'm not normally the fastest at these but I actually ran through it without stopping.  I HATE wallballs and for some reason today I was able to get through them a lot easier.  I don't know how lol but im going to take it!  I went straight to work and it was soo busy there wasn't anytime to eat so I enjoyed my dunkin donuts oatmeal... it was actually really good.  I also put my protein in my iced coffee SOOO GOOOD!  One of my friends transferred to my store and started today, yay!!!  I was soo great seeing her in the shop again!  Although we were too busy to talk... but that's never a bad thing.  Throughout the day I could feel my quads and butt finally getting sore from my big squat on Monday but its the good kind of sore!  Anyway 13.2 comes out tomorrow night for the Crossfit Games Open and now that I understand whats going on im sooo excited to see what it is!   Aleve here I come! 


  1. Nice work yesterday and today lady!! :)

  2. thanks dawg you too btw! hopefully ill see u this week!
