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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Run forest run!

After a wonderful practice with all my buds Friday night (just what I needed) I knew all I had to do was rest.  I had to open the shop early for one of my lil girlies... her communion was a big deal and it meant alot to her to be the only one there lol.

I had a cray day Saturday running around the salon non stop.  It was an emotional day for me, as you all know I care very deeply for each and every person who sits in my chair and it just seemed like most of them were going through some really tough things.  Illness, death, life surprises, job loss, and dealing with a lot of heavy stuff.  When I hear these awful things it breaks my heart, I just try to listen and not cry with them but I always do.  Its tough when I want to help them soo badly and theres usually nothing I can do.  I love my clients and most of them (99%) I'm closer with than my own family ...even if I only see them every 6-8 weeks.  This is why I love my job.  Saturday definitely was a day of bad news pretty much on the hour.  It definitely keeps me in check when it comes to being grateful for the things in my life.

Later I found out that our Saturday night plans had been cancelled so I decided to go to my buddys bonfire.  I wasn't planning on staying very long considering I had to run a 5 miler the next morning.  It was actually nice to sit in front of the fire and hang out.  My Robbie, being very considerate, decided to call it an early night and we were that lame couple that left before 11pm.

So let me tell you about Me and running.  I'm realizing now that its a love/hate relationship.  I definitely grew to love it last year... until I started getting faster, running more frequently, and longer distances.  Then I got terrible shin splints that wouldn't go away and eventually turned into a stress fracture.  That was when I joined crossfit.  I wanted to get stronger in the legs and lungs to run for days.  It just so happens that I ended up loving crossfit soo much that I don't want to run and I hate the days we have to run with our WOD.  After realizing that I need more cardio in my life I decided to sign myself up for some races this year.  I figured oh... I have plenty of time to start running again and train for this first big 5 miler of the season.  Did I run? No. Did I realize I was going to hate this first run? Absolutely.  So I wasn't really looking forward to it.  Back in November I did a 10k(6.2 miles) and I thought I was going to die and definitely swore I would never do it again.  So I set myself up for this one.  I got a few friends to run with me today.  It was a beautiful day, despite my friggin allergies.  Sunny but still a nice breeze.  We got there at 830am, it started at 9 and we were off.  I was hoping to do all 5 miles within an hour.  That would put me at a decent pace kinda where I was when I stopped running.  I got down to 9-10 min/mile last summer but I was at the 11min/mile for a long time.  We ran the vineyards through the Heritage Winery, there were some big hills and lots of dirt.  I felt good coming up to the finish line and I even caught up to my friend Rachel.  Later I found out that she ran the whole 5 miles without stopping!!!  I stopped a total of 10 times for breathers, shoe laces, and cramping.  I truly haven't ran more than quarter mile runs with my WODs at crossfit so I really had no idea how I was going to do.  I used the mapmyrun app to track myself, especially because I love when it tells me what mile I'm on and my pace.. its very motivating.  I ended up with a time of 58:20!!!  WOOHOO!!! After I caught my breath and found some water, I realized it wasn't bad at all.  It was actually great and went smooth, I think I just cant run in the cold weather.  This day was perfect for a run.  Then came the wine tasting!! We tried a few and I ended up getting a sweet one to make sangria with.

After a nice hot shower and some lunch I was off to my softball games.  There was 3 of us who ran the race and were playing a double header lol.  We can hang though and we proved it this morning.  Its funny we were signed up for the race long before our schedule came out, and our run fell on the only double header on the schedule.  Our games were lousy and we had a few bad calls.  The one team we found out plays in a more professional league on week nights... they were ridiculous.  So after another shower I broke out a few Strongbows and went over to Robs parents house for dinner.  They always cook good food.  I did whatever it took to keep my eyes open while eating ...I had very little sleep these last few days and long week full of strenuous activities.  As I lie in bed now I had to get Rob to put icyhot patches on my back and I can feel my legs, hips, calves, and achilles getting tight.  He suggested a rest day tomorrow but I enjoy going soo much I feel like my body would get stretched more if I WOD.   I guess we'll see what kind of shape I'm in tomorrow.


  1. Nice blog post! Its great to hear how much you care about your clients at work. It's the reason you have loyal clients who love you back! Awesome news about the run!!!! Be careful with your shins! A good way to train for a race would be to incorporate some rowing in there, too, to get your endurance up without destroying your shins on the pavement.

  2. thanks alycia! i do LOVE rowing!!!
