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Monday, April 22, 2013

We brought Gorgeous to the Park

As a group... who ever was sitting by the front desk... we decided to go to a Phillies game.  Before we knew it our group got bigger and bigger.  The amount of people is still unknown but I would guess over 30.   Last night we brought the party to the parking lot a few hours before the game started. We had food, games and of course BEER.  I definitly put back a few Summer Shandys... not very paleo but whatever it was soooo good.  It was hysterical, all of us in our phils gear and our cars packed with snacks.  I'm not sure if Ive ever mentioned (lol) how much I love and enjoy my gals from work.  Its been the best year of my career and its only because I got placed into a salon full of amazing people.  They're soo talented, appreciative, and I adore each one of them for soo many more reasons.  One of the best parts is being part of a great management team... we group message each other daily with important work info and it always turns into a 50 msg long thread with pics icons and pics included.  This night was meant to be epic, and it was.  After playing some flip cup, taking great pics, and sharing some ridiculous laughter,  it got darker and the police let us know it was time to go in.

It was the 3rd inning when we started realizing we were missing alot of people.  I sent out a text to whoever we didn't see only to find out some of our crew didn't make it in lol... that cracked me up.  The game was close and it was frigid.  After hanging with the crew I couldn't take the cold anymore so a few of us decided to go acrossed the street to xfinity(my fav)!  Hanging with some more people who never came in was great too.  Out of no where my wrist was killing me... like hurt to put pressure on.   Wtf I have no idea what I did to be in this kind of pain.  I can barely put pressure on it!  The only thing I did that was semi active was hop down a row of seats... but I did it carefully and didn't fall or anything.  I hate mystery ailments.

I woke up today feeling good (besides the wrist) and ready to crossfit.  When I looked up the WOD I was curious to see if I was able to perform with my bum wrist.  I was soo excited to see the FILTHY FIFTY!!!  I was just telling my friend that I loved this and wanted to do it again!  The only concern I had was the burpees.  My friend Liz was there to hook me up with a professional wrist tape job and I swear I didn't have any pain.  I was pumped to do this again since I loved it back in January.  The only thing I was pissed about was the double unders... they haven't been working for me lately.  I decided it would be better to just do singles instead... but now im soo pissed I did since I made good time and it was the only thing that kept me from the RX.  I knocked 4 whole min off my time from January!!!!  I was soo thrilled but now that the new wodify tracker has the RX first and then the others I'm seeing that my score almost doesn't count because I'm not doing it as its prescribed.  Theres just some things like a friggin jump rope that kept me from having the 3rd fastest time of the day.  Its disappointing yet very motivating to have this new system give me a reality check.  I like it.  Also I think I got one of the best compliments ever today from my friend Ali.  She says right before we start.. you're going to push me harder.  I didn't understand what she meant considering we are on our own once you hear that 3,2,1 go! I then realized that we are neck and neck for alot of the WODs and she wanted to try and beat me... which in crossfit is a compliment.  She doesn't realize though that I look up to her and her amazing abilities... I wish I could kill WODs RX like her!

4/22/13 WOD
-50 box jumps
-50 jumping pull-ups
-50 kettlebell swings
-50 walking lunges
-50 knees to elbow
-50 push press 35lb
-50 back extension 35lb
-50 wall ball
-50 burpees
-50 double unders (150 singles)
finished in 23:16

I loved this WOD and wish we could do it more.  Working after was just very relaxing.  I usually get a lil tired after a tough WOD but I was just feeling good.  With a short night full of awesome clients it went fast and the sun was still out when we left ......yes!!!  Its been a great day and an even better weekend.  Here's to a great week with hopefully no reason to watch CNN.

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