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Friday, April 12, 2013

Busy week

Hey y'all sorry I haven't posted in a week but its been a crazy week. It started with a fab wedding where two amazing people became husband and wife and started their new lives together off right... With a DJ great food and alcohol!! I enjoyed myself soo much that I decided to drink wine for the night but later when the wedding was over I painted my bathroom with it lol. Apparently you can't drink red wine like its beer. I ended up being greatful that I took off Monday since I broke blood vessels in my eyes and broke all the lil capillaries around my eyes... Needless to say I looked like the living dead lol. So since I passed out mid day and just couldn't get my act together I never went to crossfit because I don't think I would've been able to hang without barfing.

Tues morning I just couldn't get my exhausted self out of bed to get there early enough to WOD before work. My body said sleep and I listened.

Wednesday I forced myself out of bed early only to find out it was sunny and hot at 630am. That makes getting up and out soo much easier. I needed to got because I'm a slug and haven't been there for a week with a competition on sat. Ughhh soo frustrated I really needed to be there this week but friggin hangovers ruin everything.  Anyway... I got to WOD and I was the only one who showed up at my class lol.  I was pumped because we got a Hex Bar and I got to do deadlifts with them for the first time!  Apparently I did well and didnt notice since my Robbie pointed out to me later that night that I had the all time highest at 275... I really need to start paying attention.  I actually took it easy I didnt want my hands to tear or push myself too hard because of Saturday.  Running was in the WOD and it felt good to get out there in the sun... I HAVE to start running again.  Im such a moron, I signed up for a 5 miler in 2 weeks lol... I havent ran since the fall lol.  I should be ok tho my body can handle it... its the lungs. After crossfit I went to work an earlier schedule because I had Phils tix.  I love these seats.. we had someone hit a homerun right near us in our row.  It was a great game and we won!

Thursday I decided to WOD since I was seeing the magical Dr Nelson.  I played around with what the class was doing but I didnt do the metcon I rowed and ran instead.  I truly hate not participating with the class.. but they all agreed it wasnt a good idea with the competition 2 days away.  Speaking of that I started getting nervous/anxious/excited!  After that I ran some errands and picked up some snacks for sat.  My bud Alycia told me its important to eat in between events, all this prepping really got me nervous.  I dont know why but im soo nervous.  Thank god I had my first softball game with my womens league... i swear i love them gals soo much that I havent seen them since summer and its like we picked up where we left off.  I really love them soo much theyre all hysterical and amazing people... oh yeah and they kick ass at playing ball too!  I had a great hit when we were down 2 in the last inning it was a double... and my bud up after me brought me in because im an asshole on the bases and cocky ass it sounds im fast and i slide good... so i take the chance if its possible and last night it was.  It was totally worth all the skin on my leg but I beat the tag by a second.  Then my girl scored and it was a walk-off win! It was a great game but the other team is always soo serious I almost pity them for acting soo dumb... its supposed to be fun.  I guess thats why my team always wins... we act like jackasses.  We celebrated with beers like normal and then I ran home to eat the grassfed beef burgers I picked up earlier ...yumm!  They were soo good even if Rob burnt the shit out of them.  After dinner I started thinking about Sat again and started freaking out so I just went to bed.

So today all I was thinking about was getting through my day with the girls at HG.  They always make me laugh so I didnt think too much about the competition... ya right lol.  I had a more quiet day too so I atleast got to eat and rest my feet some but jeez its all im thinking about.  My bud Melissa needed a cut and has a broken ankle so offered to pick her up and cut her hair and of course shes such a WODrat... (i think i just made that up, and want to put it on a tee) so I picked her up at our crossfit.  It was good to see my coaches tonight for some pointers ...they helped me get a game plan so I dont waste time and effort tomorrow.  Thank god they made me feel soo much better.  Now im just laying down and relaxing ...outfit layed out for tomorrow down to the socks and headband ...snacks packed and my necessities.  So now all I need to do is SLEEP... UGHHHH .....did u ever feel like your going to throw up and shit yourself at the same time lol... thats going to be me tomorrow lol! wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO WOD rat! YESSSSS :) Thanks for the fabulous haircut! And you ROCKED it Saturday! Good job - can't wait till we can do one together!!!
