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Thursday, May 30, 2013

RX, sweat, and Personal records baby!

Soo I basically started my week off at 730am when my bud Alex (coach) says to me... why are you here so early?  Everyone kinda knows I'm not an early bird... especially because my work schedule doesn't usually start til 11am.  To be fair... i also work til 9pm when everyone else has had dinner and is already half asleep so whateve.  I decided last week, after taking the late morning class that I was still all red and sweaty by the time i was clocking in and ready for my first client, that that's not ok.  I needed to start going earlier... and you know what I actually like it.  Unfortunately this also made me more tired by the time I was done work I just wanted to go to bed and not eat but thats not ok either... I need to find a happy medium.  I cant get anything done when I work til 9 and cant get anything done before work because things aren't open.  I'll figure it out.. I'm just putting my passion first and that is training in crossfit.  Its soo good for me and I adore it, as well as all of the amazing people who I've come into contact with... and yes i love you all.  We are about to start a 4 week healthy challenge based on diet and rest and basically taking exceptional care of your body.  Its based on the paleo lifestyle which i definitely know about... i just still consider myself a rookie.  I'm still a crossfit rookie when it comes down to it.  I'm waiting for that day when I don't feel like going... I'm going on 9 months now and that has yet to happen... or even come close.  Its almost as if I'm going to play something ...a fun game of some sort, its hard to explain but we all know.

So anyway... I wanted to go hard this week since I felt like going early was going to be tough for me i wanted it to be worth it.  I was able to RX this all the WODs i did this week!!!!! YES!!! That's all I really try for everyday I train.  Clicking that lil RX button means everything to me... I feel like I can do it without being babied... although theres still alot of things I cant do RX, 3 days in a row made me feel  amazing! Tues there was no lift but I stayed after class with Alex and did the competition work so i felt better doing some clean and jerks after, and because I was there so early I had the extra time!  We did the Fight Gone Badish benchmark metcon.  YESS!!! I love doing benchmarks.. its good to try to beat your own time!

5/28/13 WOD
Fight Gone Badish

-3 rounds for reps 267 reps
--1min wallballs 14lb
--kettlebells 35lb
--box jumps
--push press 55lb
--row for calories
--rest 1 min

Wed I woke up saw that it was squat day and I wanted to beat my 1 rep max of 250lb.  I was determined.  My bud Rach was there and that made it soo much better.  I did the hatch squat program which required you to do your 1 rep max and when I got there I just did the required 3 reps.  I was soo excited it felt like xmas morning with a PR!!!  I think I love to squat.  I love doing alot of lifting but squats and deadlifts might be my thing.  The metcon consisted of front squats and push presses and bar hop burpees(which are the devil) and I did better than I thought.  The RX weight was 75lbs so I was good with that but it got heavy fast.  I cooled off and got ready for work only to realize it was one of my buddy's last day at our shop.  Shanely has been a huge part of our store and has really gotten to know our clients well.  I'm going to miss her soo much.

5/29/13 WOD
-back squat x3 @250lbs
-AMRAP in 10 min
-front squat
-push press
-bar hop burpee
finished with 8.7 rds

Today I decided to sleep in since I was falling asleep while trying to eat dinner late after 9pm.  I now know that I def hate watching Kelly and Michael and wont be wasting my time with that anymore.  Shes become soo annoying and its ashamed because I love him, hes been a great co-host.  I realized today I cant stand to watch her anymore.  I kept thinking that I shouldve been at the 9am WOD.  There were some errands I needed to run today and since places didn't open til 10ish I would go before my 12 class and get everything done... well that didn't work because I forgot a few errands and I went to see Dr Nelson about and hr early because I had the wrong time lol.

Anyway it was sooo hot.... duh like that's all we talked about all day ...but my car was saying 94 and it felt worse in the box.  Our strength for the day was power cleans ...which I love and I wanted a PR.  We started and I was all sweaty before I even got weight on the bar.  I managed to get up to 145lbs for a PR!!  I failed the first time and gave it a few min and then I got it!  We were doing cleans in the metcon too so it was a gonna be a good day.  This was another benchmark that i haven't done yet so I wanted to set the bar high for myself.  I felt like I did well since i couldn't breath and didn't feel weak til the last set.  My lungs held me back but I felt good about my score... I was moving as fast as I could thank god for that starbucks lol.
Top bruise..crossfit/sliding boo boo on bottom

5/30/13 WOD

The Chief
-5 rounds of 3 min per round AMRAP
--3 cleans @95lbs
--6 push ups
--9 air squats
21 full rounds completed

We were soaked... but it felt good almost like a detox/sauna.  I got home and realized I had an email from Rogue about the Nike Romaleos finally coming in!  I have been waiting for these weightlifting shoes to come in now for at least 6 weeks.  My feet are tiny so I have a hard time finding a small mens size but these things are badass.  I cant wait to see how they help me with lifting.

I couldn't wait for my softball game tonight with the women's league.  These girls are the best.  We play well together, have fun, make fun of each other, and best of all we win ....ALOT.  So it was probably our biggest game before playoffs and we won, we played well tonight too.  I feel awful tho I hit one of my teammates with a line drive.... like a hard line drive.  Shes tough though trust me if I asked her if she was ok one more time she prob would've threw me in a headlock.  Robbie came with me we had a few beers and got food at the bar... ya know getting all the bad food and beer in before my 4 week challenge.  I need a challenge since I realized how great paleo is for me Ive really slacked, like BAD.  Its not that I want to eat that way but Ive had no time to prepare food or even get to the store.  Besides that its been a crazy time of year for me not only at work but everywhere else too.  This challenge will make me stop making excuses and get serious about this by being held accountable.  That's sad that I need it but maybe after 4 weeks it will come natural to me again. We shall see! this is going to be interesting!

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